WHMCS Services Forum

Full Version: changelog
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Version: 6.2.1 Released (01/03/2024)

Fixed support for ionCube Loader v13
Updated Licence System with Cloudflare
Updated Improve ionCube Loader

Version: 6.2.0 Released (11/28/2023)

Added A note on the Services page
Added Top bar to the top of the page
Added Support PHP 8.2
Fixed PHP 8.1
Updated Remove Support for WHMCS V8.4.x to 8.5.x

Version: 6.1.1 Released (12/04/2022)

Added Italian Language
Fixed issue with display popup in special pages
Fixed support for ionCube Loader v12 and PHP 8.1
Updated Remove Support for PHP 7.1 to 7.3
Updated Remove Support for WHMCS V8.1.x to 8.3.x

Version: 6.1.0 Released (12/29/2021)

Added Add fund page banner
Updated New WHMCSServices menu to work with WHMCS 8. x
Fixed Problem with PHP 7. x
Fixed Problem with popup predefined styles
Fixed Button Not Functioning

Version: 6.0.0 Released (09/22/2020)

Added Admin User with many updates and improvements
Added New predefined popup list
Added New template notification
Added Archive notification feature
Added Start at notification
Added Preview popup
Added index.php to all directories
Fixed Admin issues
Fixed htaccess rewrite URL
Fixed breaking the third-party WHMCS theme called Control (impressivethemes)
Updated Module tables renewed
Updated Remove v4 Admin theme from distribution
Updated Remove Support for PHP 5.6 to 7.0

Version: 5.0.7 Released (12/03/2018)

Fixed blank HTML paragraph

Version: 5.0.6 Released (08/03/2018)

Fixed third-party WHMCS theme called  SwiftModders Themes
Fixed Expiry Date

Version: 5.0.5 Released (07/26/2018)

Fixed Correct language in about page
Fixed Product group notification
Updated New WHMCSServices menu to work with WHMCS 7.6
Updated Show alert when template missing

Version: 5.0.4 Released (06/04/2018)

Fixed PHP 7.1 and PHP 7.2
Fixed to work with WHMCS 7.5

Version: 5.0.3 Released (06/11/2017)

Fixed an improvement running in WHMCS 7.4
Fixed links added to the top notification

Version: 5.0.2 Released (15/10/2017)

Fixed Default WHMCS hook conflict problem
Updated WHMCS SERVICES help page added

Version: 5.0.1 Released (13/10/2017)

Fixed Upgrade from the 4.0 version problem
Fixed None multi-language problem

Version: 5.0.0 Released (10/10/2017)

Added Top notification
Added Popup notification
Added Allowing the client to show notifications with shortcodes
Added Set of custom colors and font added
Added Multi-languages
Added Custom CSS
Added Show notification to a product clients
Added Show notification to an Addon clients
Added Auto adding codes to the template file
Fixed Product Group

Version: 4.1.0 Released (30/01/2017)

Updated Improve the license call

Version: 4.0.0 Released (22/12/2016)

Fixed Middle notification does not show
Updated CKEditor Update
Updated New and faster licensing system implemented
Updated V7 Comparability
Updated Duplicate Button
Added Full recode of module helping the performance

Version: 3.1.0 Released (22/10/2015)

Updated License Code